

SinoFuelCellwas established in 1998, which is a private new energy high-tech enterprisewith key cultivation by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and keysupport by Shanghai government at all levels. The company's main businessactivities are research and development, production and sales of fuel cell stacksand production and sales of fuel cell test equipment, and it is a pioneer inthe development and industrialization of fuel cell technology in China.

The companyhas undertaken a number of major projects such as the national "863Program" and participated in the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" to the"Thirteenth Five-Year Plan". "We have undertaken and completedmore than 40 national, municipal and district-level key scientific researchprojects. SinoFuelCell has 178 independent intellectual property rights of fuelcell stacks. SinoFuelCell has accumulated 607 patent applications, has granted161 invention patents, 4 U.S. patents, 6 soft documents, and has led andparticipated in 34 national standards for fuel cells and hydrogen energy, whichis the leading number in China.

In the past two years, SinoFuelCell has wonthe first prize of Shanghai Technology Invention Award, the first prize ofBeijing Science and Technology Progress Award, high-tech enterprise,academician expert workstation, small giant enterprise of science andtechnology, the first batch of service-oriented manufacturing demonstrationenterprises in Shanghai, Shanghai Specialized and New Small and Medium Enterprises,Shanghai Enterprise Technology Center, etc.

The fuelcell stack of SinoFuelCell Technology's own brand covers 10kW-150kW, with fullycontrollable independent technology and patents, and excellent performance andtechnical indexes. Since its production, it has shipped more than 100MW andoperated over 30 million kilometers. We have a CNAS-accredited fuel celltesting center with 97 fuel cell-related tests and have obtained IATF 16949 andISO 9001 certifications.

SinoFuelCellhas cooperated with SAIC Group, Shanghai Volkswagen, Zhengzhou Yutong, BeiqiFoton, Zhongtong Bus, China CNR, Shanghai Shenlong, Suzhou Golden Dragon, CheryAutomobile, Great Wall Motor and other well-known domestic vehicles,successfully developed fuel cell new energy vehicles and successfullydemonstrated in Beijing, Shanghai, California, the United States, the UnitedKingdom and South Korea and other countries and regions, as well as long-termcooperation with Tsinghua University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, WuhanUniversity of Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tongji University andother universities and research institutes.

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